
Self-acceptance (self-love)

Self-acceptance (self-love)

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Loving yourself with faults and weaknesses

  • PDF-Download
  • Hypnosis script in ‘you’ and ‘I’ form for the suggestion of the same name in the “HypnoBox” App


Loving yourself with faults and weaknesses

We often sabotage ourselves when looking for a partner because we think we’re not attractive, good-looking or loveable. These suggestions will help the client to accept and love himself and his body so that he can attract a person into his life who will do the same.

  • PDF-Download
  • Hypnosis script in ‘you’ and ‘I’ form for the suggestion of the same name in the “HypnoBox” App

Author: Jari Andresen,

Es ist DEIN Leben. Du entscheidest, was du verändern willst!