
Finding my own role (for heterosexual women & men)

Finding my own role (for heterosexual women & men)

6,99 € incl. VAT

Finding your femininity/masculinity

  • PDF-Download
  • Hypnosis script in ‘you’ and ‘I’ form for the suggestion of the same name in the “HypnoBox” App

SKU: HB-37-05

Category: Flirting and Dating Box


Finding your femininity/masculinity

Find your femininity and allow exactly those aspects within you that let you be yourself during flirting, sex or a relationship.

  • PDF-Download
  • Hypnosis script in ‘you’ and ‘I’ form for the suggestion of the same name in the “HypnoBox” App

Author: Jari Andresen,

Es ist DEIN Leben. Du entscheidest, was du verändern willst!