
and the corresponding answers

HypnoBox FAQ

  • What is hypnosis anyway?

  • What is the best way to start?

  • How do I achieve the results I want with HypnoBox?

  • How often should I listen to self-hypnosis?

  • How long should a session be?

  • Can I work on with several topics in one session?

  • When shouldn’t I use HypnoBox?

  • What happens if I fall asleep while I’m listening?

  • What if I want to use HypnoBox to fall asleep?

  • What happens if I am interrupted while I’m listening? Or if I need to go to the toilet?

  • What if I don’t like some of the sentences within a suggestion?

  • When will changes start to happen?

  • I need more time to be able to relax. What can I do?

  • My issue isn’t covered by the suggestions. What now?

  • How do I create my own suggestions?

  • How do I use the “Trigger word” induction?

  • How do I use “Induction: direct”?

  • What makes HypnoBox different from other hypnosis apps?

  • Can I also use HypnoBox for affirmations?

  • How do I restore my purchases?

  • How do I record my own suggestions or music, or import them?

  • What should I do if I only want to listen to music?

  • How can I play my own music in the background?

  • Where can I find good relaxation music?

  • I am changing from Android to iOS or vice versa. What happens to my purchases?

  • What are the positive effects of self-hypnosis?

  • How do I cancel my subscription?

  • Why can’t I see sessions for certain topic boxes?

  • Why can't I find all the suggestions from a topic box in the ready-made sessions?

  • How do I change the language in HypnoBox?

  • Music cannot be imported. (iOS)

  • When I tap the purchase buttons, nothing happens. (iOS)

  • I signed up for a subscription, but I can still see the prices. (iOS)

  • How do I use the app for my patients / clients?

  • What does hypnosis feel like?

  • How is HypnoBox different from a hypnosis session with a hypnotist or therapist?

  • I find relaxing difficult. Is self-hypnosis for me?

  • My mind always wanders, and I can’t concentrate. Will self-hypnosis even have any benefits for me?

  • Am I even under hypnosis?

  • What if I can’t see any images or find visualisation difficult?

  • Could I be impossible to hypnotise?

  • Is it possible not to “wake up” from hypnosis?

  • Is it possible to take on suggestions that I don’t want?

  • How do I use “Induction: direct”?

  • What is the difference between suggestions and affirmations?

  • What happens to the brain during hypnosis?

  • Why does my perception of time change during hypnosis?

  • How does HypnoBox work?

It’s YOUR life. You decide what you want to change!